The legal stuff


The content of this blog is mine and is © David Merson.
Do not use or disseminate the content for any commercial purposes whatsoever.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material for any commercial purposes without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited.
If you are a fellow blogger please feel free to copy and share free-of-charge; however, edit anything you borrow fairly and accurately and please attribute it to me.
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Views on this blog are mine or those of anyone who posts by way of comment or response. They are definitely NOT those of any employer or anyone else.
This Blog never contains legal advice. Nothing on this blog constitutes or should be taken to constitute legal advice so don’t rely on it to make your own decisions and certainly don’t come crying to me if you do.
If you think this blog has infringed your rights or says things it shouldn't then DM me on and I'll re-consider.
This Blog is governed by the Laws of England and Wales.


I write this blog mainly for my own amusement.
Occasionally people visit, read my posts and hopefully enjoy them.
I certainly do not appreciate or welcome abusive comment and will deal with any such material robustly.
No purely anonymous comments will be published.
Please always use a name for ease of reference by other commentators.
Comments are usually moderated but I do not accept any legal responsibility for the content of any comment unless I have refused to delete the comment following a valid complaint.
Any complaint must set out the grounds for the deletion of the comment.
This Blog is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.